Running, Writing and... Marshmallows!

This week the children have discussed a series of pictures and then written a story about what happened. The story involved a monster creeping up behind a boy toasting marshmallows on a camp fire. As we all (including Ms Thurlow and Ms Cherry) love marshmallows so much we decided to make a Cadbury's hot chocolate, marshmallow drink.

We predicted whether the chocolate powder would dissolve better in cold or hot water... and the result was, of course hot water. Did you know that if you are going to have hot chocolate then you also need biscuits to dip in it?

During our English lessons we have been reading the story of The Turtle and the Monkey. This week we have planned our own version of this story, by changing parts of the story. We have also begun to create a story S to tell our stories by drawing the illustrations. Next week we will add the writing to our story S.

On Friday we were all very excited about taking part in Sports Day and everyone had a great time!

Go Team 1T!

Go Lanta!

Go Samet!

Go Phuket!


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