How to be an Effective Communicator

This week the children have been thinking about speaking and listening in small group and class situations. They have discussed the need to look at the person who is talking. They have practiced using different voices - louder when talking to the whole class and quieter when talking to a partner.

As part of our Topic we have looked at toys made from different materials. The children have talked to a partner about how to sort the toys into two groups. They then worked as a class to create the two groups and write labels for them.

The children have been introduced to the terms 'observational drawing' and 'sketching'. They explored these skills when drawing a picture of their toys. At the end of the session the children evaluated one another's work and were able to comment on whether their friends had been Academically Successful.

In Maths the children have been exploring number bonds to ten. They are developing quick recall of these number facts. Some of the children have also explored number bonds to 20. The children have used different pieces of mathematical equipment to show their knowledge. They have begun to explain how they know whether an answer is correct.


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