STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

This week the children have been exploring aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. They have carried out activities in each of the Year 1 and Year 2 classes. They have been encouraged to work in groups and listen to their friends.

In 1T the children had to use 20 paper cups to build a tower. The groups developed a very friendly competitive spirit.

We built the second tallest tower which measured 80cm tall.

We built the tallest tower which measured 90cm tall.

The children have looked at different materials. They have then designed a shoe, writing labels to indicate which materials they are going to use. The children explored how to join different material whilst making their shoe. They were very confident in discussing any problems they faced and then thinking of alternative strategies.

The children looked at their own shoes and discussed different parts with their friends.

The children designed the shoe that they were going to make.

The children had great fun making their shoes!

The children worked together to tidy up at the end of the lesson.


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